Christ Church CofE VC Junior School

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Pendennis Road, Downend, South Gloucestershire, BS16 5JJ

01454 866516

Christ Church CofE VC Junior School

*** Have a relaxing Half Term break *** Inset Day (School closed to pupils)- Monday 24th February *** Term 4 begins - Tuesday 25th February ***

  1. Vision and Values
  2. Pupil Leadership
  3. Worship Leaders

Worship Leaders

As a church school, collective worship is at the heart of the school day and it is something that every child of all faiths, and none are encouraged to engage with. It gives a stilling and reflective space in the busy school day to reflect on ourselves, others, the world and beyond. The more we have evolved collective worship at CCJ, the more we have seen the children want to take ownership of worship. To help with this, we have nominated 'worship leaders' in every class. They regularly meet with Mrs Addison to offer feedback and ideas. These contributions centre around how, as a Christian school, we could further serve each other and our community. 

The worship leaders also take it in turns to help with the collective worships. This will include saying the opening and closing statements, reading the school value prayer, acting out Bible stories, reading, selecting songs and evaluating the worship.  Furthermore, in class, they help their teacher to set up for the weekly class worship and will regularly lead them. 


Each term, our worship leaders visit Christ Church Downend to find out more about worship and join in with fellowship through their ‘Warm Space’ project. The leaders have observed communion, participated in a Remembrance Service and met with members of the congregation to find out about their Christian lives. They then returned to school and led a whole school collective worship to explain what they had seen. During times of fellowship, the children play games, solve puzzles and find reciprocated joy in talking to members of the community.    

As children in this age group become more aware of themselves within the context of the wider world, they increasingly want to raise awareness of issues close to them or their family, or to raise money for a good cause. We actively encourage this and so you will regularly see examples of children deciding to make a difference and live out the Christian values with their peers. Recent examples of causes raised and delivered by the children have included

  • Red Cross
  • Comic Relief 
  • Fairtrade visitor from Nicaragua 
  • The Salvation Army
  • The Foodbank
  • Soup run
  • Chernobyl
  • Golden Eagle preservation
  • Team India (Christ Church youth team)
  • Crohn's and Colitis UK
  • Dogs’ Trust

We always welcome visitors to our school, so if you would like to come and lead a collective worship then please do get in touch via the contact us page.