At Christ Church Junior school we ensure that all children; including those identified as having a special educational need have a common entitlement to an accessible, broad and balanced academic and social curriculum and are fully included in all aspects of school life and our community. We strive to support all our children to enable them to flourish academically and socially, giving them the skills and opportunities to reach their full potential. The school SENDCo (Mrs Groves) works to support staff in planning for the specific needs of SEND pupils, working alongside parents and outside professionals to support children with SEND through their learning journey.
We ensure that children with SEND are able to access the curriculum through personalised learning outcomes, the use of additional physical resources and through a number of additional interventions. We work in close partnership with parents and carers, who play an integral, active and valued role in their child’s education.
Every child with SEND at CCJ has a My Support Plan. These are written by the class teacher in consultation with parents, pupils and our school SENDCo as part of a graduated approach to teaching and learning. Children with an EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan) will have a more detailed My Support Plan in consultation with outside professionals/agencies. These plans are then monitored and reviewed three times a year.
OFSTED Nov 2019
'Across the school, teachers and support staff are very aware of the needs of all pupils. Guided effectively by the special educational needs coordinator (SENCo), teachers make sure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) gain good knowledge and understanding. Pupils with SEND achieve well.'
CCJ SEND policies and plans
The documents below provide additional information for parents about our policies and procedures for SEND at Christ Church Junior School.
Information and support for families
We understand that finding out your child has a special need or being told that a professional is concerned about your child, can be a worrying or upsetting experience for families. The first things to remember is that you are not alone. Many people have been through similar experiences with their own child and lots of them have shared their wisdom in order to support other families. There are a range of excellent resources available online. Please follow the link below which will open up a directory of services to find out more including the South Glos Directory to access local support groups and services.
School SEND team
At CCJ, our staff team work together to vcreate the inclusive, welcoming and aspirational environment for all our learners. Many children within our community need some additional support to help with overcoming barriers to learning, accessing provision or friendships. We have a wide variety of groups, interventions and support for our children with additional needs or special education needs and disabilities. Please see below for the staff leader for each type of provision we offer.
- SENDCO - Sadie Groves
- Inclusion leader - Tracy Eatwell
- ELSA team - Charlotte Byrom and Sharon Bryan
- Attendance team - Lucy Dennett, Charlotte Byrom and Laura Dixon
- Nurture club team - Macy Hunt and Tracy Eatwell
- Mental Health Champions - Tracy Eatwell and Sadie Groves
- Wellbeing Bees leader - Tracy Eatwell
- Mental Health First Aiders - Sadie Groves, Becky Merrifield and Pippa Osborne
- Autism Champion - Sadie Groves
- Pupil Premium Champion - Alex Desmond
- Soul Space leader - Nic Addison
- Caring Crew and Young Carer leaders - Tracy Eatwell and Pippa Osborne
- CCJ University lunch club - Catherine Roseblade and Lucy Dennett
- Library lunch club - Fiona Pollock, Nic Addison and Donna Annakie
- Academic interventions – Donna Annakie, Charlotte Bryom, Sharon Bryan, Mitch Collier, Lucy Dennett, Fiona Pollock, Catherine Roseblade and Ronny Urquhart
Mental Health and Anxiety Support
Bereavement Support
Support children and young people after the death of a parent, sibling or other family member.
Young Minds
This is a UK charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. They provide support for a range of needs including ADHD. YoungMinds have lots of practical advice and tips on supporting your child - from how to encourage your child to open up about their feelings to dealing with mental health services.
Call the Parents Helpline for detailed advice, emotional support and signposting about a child or young person up to the age of 25.
0808 802 5544 from 9:30am - 4pm, Monday - Friday.
If your child is struggling to manage their ADHD, click on the link above which will provided you with some ways you can support them and places you can get help.
MIND YOU - Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Hub for children
Mental Health and Wellbeing hub for children.
Childline provides a confidential helpline for any child with a problem. It aims to comfort, advise and protect. Helping make decisions that are right for you.
Their tips and techniques, ideas and inspiration, can help you feel more in control. And you can access them in your own time, at your own pace!
Off the Record
OTR is a mental health social movement by and for young people aged 11-25 living in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. Young people can go along to one of their regular hubs or explore their website and sign-up directly to the project or service required.
Call: 0808 808 9120 (Freephone) 2-5pm Monday to Friday or email:
Happy Maps - Supporting mental health
HappyMaps is a charity developed by GPs and CAMHS professionals with help from parents and young people. They have pooled together some of the best mental health resources for parents and carers, and for young people and children, in one place.
You will find advice and support for mental health, ADHD, Autism, Sleep, Anxiety and a massive range of other topics.
Our SENDCO at Christ Church Junior School is Mrs Sadie Groves.
You can contact Mrs Groves by phoning the school on 01454 866516 or by email at
There is also a SEND Governor, Mrs Christine Falco who supports the SENDCo and her team to meet your child's needs.
SEND Local Offer
The local authority's 'local offer' sets out the range of services and provision within the local area according to your residential postcode.
This can be found on their website.
Links to support: families
formerly known as Supportive Parents
An impartial support service and advice for parents on all aspects of Education, Health and Care plans. SEND and You (SAY), can help parents with paperwork for meetings, reading or responding to letters and reports, statutory assessments, written contributions, reviews and planning. .
Telephone Support – You can speak to their Information, Advice and Support line advisors between 9.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday all year round. 0117 9897 725 or you can e mail using the form on their website.
The School Health Nursing Service will ensure that every parent and child/young person has access to health advice, support and signposting (including emotional and mental health issues) as well as support in relation to healthy lifestyles.
School nursing leaflet - Primary
The school nurse term can also be contacted through the following email and phone number or
01454 862 441 (Monday - Friday 9am-4pm)
The NHS 111 website is a further source of support and guidance for families.
*School Nursing Webinars*
The School Health nursing team are excited to be
South Glos Parents and Carers group
If you are a Parent Carer in South Gloucestershire with a child with SEND, this group offers families of SEND children to come together, provide support and share experiences.
Jigsaw is a parent and child friendly group for children with all types of learning needs. They also run an equipment lending library which offers around 500 specialist items for families to borrow. Items include toys, Special Educational Needs (SEN) equipment, developmental toys, switch equipment & sensory items.
Located in Thornbury. Contact by Telephone for more info: 01454 567508 between 9:30am - 2:30pm Monday to Friday
The South Glos Way Inclusion Toolkit
Information on all aspects of SEND and support available in South Glos.
Bourne Family Project
The Bourne Family Project offers professional, accessible and affordable counselling and therapy for anyone in need.
Currently, the Church Trust with the financial support of funders, employs a group of therapists and counsellors from diverse backgrounds. The team of therapists give tailored and professional support to each person who comes to the service, based on their needs.
For more information: call 0117 9478441 or email
Links to support: Autism
The National Autistic Society
The NAS are a registered charity who provide information, support and pioneering service for people living with autism and their families.
Vue cinema ASD friendly screenings
Find out about taking your child to the cinema for accessible and autism-friendly screenings.
Links to support: Specific Learning Difficulties
Learning Disabilities, Autism and Internet Safety: A Guide for Parents
This guide outlines some suggestions to help parents limit the risk of their child having negative experiences online and
understand what action can be taken if you do.
The Dyspraxia Foundation can help and support you and your child through its services and publications. Support is available via e-mail, and you can contact them securely and in confidence via their helpline form which you can find here:
Flying under the radar - supporting girls with Autism.
A guide to identifying the key issues and supporting girls with autism spectrum conditions.
Know Yourself Information
Link to the National Autistic Society signposting guide 'Know Yourself'.
This is a really useful list of links, information and signposting. It include videos to watch, books, websites and support services to enable you to understand more about autism.
Here are some useful toolkits to support your child:
Sleep Toolkit
Sleep is extremely important to support development both physically and mentally. This toolkit will develop awareness of the importance of sleep and offer information, advice and guidance to prevent sleep issues occurring. It will also include tips on how to manage sleep issues that often arise. This toolkit is based on The Sleep Council’s ‘Good Night Guide for Children’ by Vicki Dawson.
Belonging Toolkit
A sense of belonging is vital for every child to be able to thrive and grow within a school environment. This toolkit has been recently launched by South Gloucestershire Educational Psychologist service and is a great tool to support a child whose sense of belonging is not as strong as it should be for the child to flourish.
Anxiety Toolkit
Anxiety is a condition that can affect anyone, many anxiety disorders begin in childhood and adolescence. With nearly one in five young people experiencing high levels of anxiety, early intervention can benefit.
This toolkit has been developed to help you understand these emotions, how to manage them and when to ask for help.
EBSA Toolkit
Emotionally based school avoidance is where a child is struggling with barriers to coming in to school which is normally an anxiety or worry that is meaning they do not feel able to face a day in school. This means that they stay at home more frequently and struggle to access learning. This toolkit produced by South Gloucestershire is a brilliant resource both to understand more about EBSA but also with practical ways to support the child to rejoining school life.