Christ Church CofE VC Junior School

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Pendennis Road, Downend, South Gloucestershire, BS16 5JJ

01454 866516

Christ Church CofE VC Junior School

*** Have a relaxing Half Term break *** Inset Day (School closed to pupils)- Monday 24th February *** Term 4 begins - Tuesday 25th February ***

  1. Curriculum
  2. Feedback and Assessment

Feedback and Assessment

Impactful Feedback @ CCJ

At CCJ, we believe feedback and marking should provide constructive feedback to every child, focusing on successes and further improvements against learning intentions; enabling children to become reflective learners and helping them to close the gap between current and desired performance. Quality feedback is paramount to building confidence and suggesting ways to further improve. This can be given both verbally, in groups and through marking in books.

 2023 CCJ Impactful Feedback Policy.pdfDownload
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The importance of a rich variety of feedback including peer evaluation, self-evaluation, group targets, self-assessment, verbal feedback, student marking etc. each play a vital part in the breadth of feedback that positively impacts on learning. The majority of this feedback should be personalised for an individual and should include examples of success as well as next steps across a period of time.

Reporting to parents

We report to parents formally during two parents evenings in October and February and through our school report, which is written for every child by class teachers three times per year in February, October and July. Our school reports cover social and personal development, learning behaviours, attainment linked to Age Related Expectations (ARE), next steps, attendance and finish with a personal comment from the class teacher (see below). 

In addition, we welcome opportunities to meet with parents informally throughout the year and hold a variety of parental engagement opportunities. 

Children’s books and pupil conferencing are both crucial ways of recording progress and demonstrating impact, therefore they form a core part of the assessment and monitoring process, which includes opportunities for moderation with colleagues and/or external sources. 

Assessment @ CCJ

We assess our pupils using a range of teacher observations, work in books, contributions in the classroom and from tests three times per year. Using Target Tracker, pupil progress and attainment is recorded and measured on an objective level basis for Reading, Writing and Maths. Teachers and the SLT use this information to analyse next steps, gaps and the additional support required for each pupil and every child is discussed in Pupil Progress Meetings held 3 times per year. Furthermore, vulnerable pupils, SEND pupils and Pupil Premium pupils are a focus of two additional meetings with the deputy head and SENDCO, who ensure that the necessary support is in place alongside each class teacher. 

Internal data is also used to gather trends and gaps across whole classes, year groups and the entire cohort to inform next steps on our School Improvement Plan. 

Of course, as well as our internal assessment systems, our pupils take the statutory assessments in Year 6 set by the DfE. We use the data gathered from statutory testing (SATs) to reflect on successes and areas to develop in teaching and learning across the school. 

Any questions or suggestions?

Assessment, feedback and reporting to parents are all vital aspects of your child's education and ones that we try very hard to ensure we strike the right balance of between giving parents enough information verses over testing or reporting. We always welcome feedback on our systems and we are also always monitoring the impact of what we do and questioning whether we could evolve it so it is even better.

If you would like to offer any suggestions or feedback to us then please do get in touch via the details on the contact us page or by talking to one of our team.